Licencias de Productos

Acuerdo de licencia de contenido original de Mockups

Tenemos muy claro que si escribimos una licencia compleja seguramente sea un dolor de cabeza. Así que hemos reunido la Licencia estándar para Original Mockups.

La Licencia estándar le otorga el derecho de usar cualquier artículo comprado en Original Mockups en un proyecto personal o comercial para usted o un cliente, pero el artículo no puede ser revendido o redistribuido , o usado en un producto ofrecido para la venta donde el artículo contribuye al valor central del producto que se vende.

What allows the Standard License for each item on Original Mockups?

  • Personal or commercial use.
  • Fonts, Add-Ons (actions, textures, etc), Mockups, and other installable items may only be installed on a single computer, but can be used in multiple projects.
  • For yourself or on behalf of a client.
  • On its own, or as part of a new work.
  • When used as part of a new work, there’s no limit to the number of copies of the new work that can be distributed so long as the copies are not offered for sale.
  • Cannot be sub-licensed, resold, shared, transferred, or otherwise redistributed on its own (even for free).
  • Cannot be used in a product offered for sale where the item contributes to the core value of the product being sold. For example:

You can...

  • Use a purchased mockup to present your website design in a market place.
  • Use a purchased mockup for your own personal blog or a client website.

You cannot...

  • Include the purchased mockup with a website or product offered for sale or distributed (even for free).
  • Offer a purchased mockup to users of your hosting or blogging service (even for free).

Editorial Use Restriction for Some Stock Media Products.

The following restrictions apply to any Stock Media Product affixed with an “Editorial” notice on its Product Page. The Editorial notice is one way to alert you that certain subject matter depicted by Stock Media Products, such as a manufactured product under a brand name, may be protected by another party’s Intellectual Property rights (“Other-Party Intellectual Property”). Permitted use of Other-Party Intellectual Property in Stock Media Products is limited to news reporting in Creations of some cultural, editorial, journalistic, or otherwise newsworthy value, and includes news reporting on television and the internet. This restriction does not apply if you have the needed authorization to use the Other-Party Intellectual Property for your Creation, such as if you are the Intellectual Property owner yourself, or an Intellectual Property owner’s advertising team, hired party, or licensee purchasing that company’s product.

Other-Party Intellectual Property.

Original Mockups does not own or license any Other-Party Intellectual Property. Original Mockups does not in any way make any representations or warranties about Other-Party Intellectual Property associated with Stock Media Products. You are solely responsible for determining the need for and, if appropriate, obtaining any needed Other-Party clearance, consent, or release to use any Other-Party Intellectual Property in your Creations.

If you’re still unclear about what is or isn’t allowed under the Standard License, please contact the Original Mockups support team.